
October 11

ANAPIDAE (call me)

Mathieu Morel

Passos Manuel | 22h
QP - Nights at Passos
October 11

Cum in My Heart (or the fabulous letting go of Thomas Timbère)

Mathieu Morel

Passos Manuel | 22h
QP - Nights at Passos
October 10

S/He Is Still Her/e: the Official Genesis P-Orridge Documentary

David Charles Rodrigues

Passos Manuel | 22h
QP - Nights at Passos
October 11

The Deep Queer Massacre

Mathieu Morel

Passos Manuel | 22h
QP - Nights at Passos
October 09

The Visitor

Bruce LaBruce

Passos Manuel | 22h
QP - Nights at Passos
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