October 14
Talk: Hannah Bastos and Hilda de Paulo

The book “All about Love”, by crossroads thinker bell hooks, recently published by Orfeu Negro, is the starting point for a conversation between author Hannah Bastos and curator Hilda de Paulo, in which they will discuss the critical reflections of capitalist society’s modes of subjectivation, among other issues. In her trajectory, hooks intertwined several themes in her numerous books and writings, among them: education and pedagogical practices, cultural criticism, love, self-esteem and spirituality, belonging, feminist ethics, race, gender, and class dynamics. To evoke bell hooks is to imagine we can all inhabit a world of possibilities, in which love is regarded as a daily practice.   

/ More Informations

  • Batalha Centro de Cinema, Cafetaria & Bar
  • 6.15pm
  • Portuguese spoken
  • Free entry

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