October 12
Talk with Isabel Almeida Rodrigues, Secretary of State for Equality and Migration

A Nigerian woman, a man from the Cameroons, a trans woman from Sri Lanka, and a young Afghan man, are the real-life subjects of the documentary The Hearing. Their future and their eventual survival depend upon their ability to tell the story of their lives. Their future is contingent on their talent to turn their reality into a convincing fiction for the bureaucrats who listen to them, inside a device that is totally foreign and hostile to them. These people represent some of the many migration routes for those looking for a better life in Europe, fleeing poverty, and political and police persecution due to their ideologies or sexuality. In a time when the Mediterranean Sea and the African Atlantic Coast are turned into cemeteries, what role does the European Union play, and should play, in rescuing, hosting, and integrating these populations? What is failing in these politics, and what will the future bring? To talk to us about these and other issues concerning migrations, Queer Porto welcomes Isabel Almeida Rodrigues, Secretary of State for Equality and Migrations.    

/ More Informations

  • Reitoria da Universidade do Porto, Casa Comum
  • 7.30pm
  • Portuguese spoken
  • Free entry

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