September 29
We on the screen. LGBTQI+ representation in the media

This debate intends to promote a dialogue on the representation and visibility of the LGBTI+ community in different media outlets, and the role of social media on the promotion of narratives that reflect the diversity of experiences and identities inside the LGBTQI+ community. We aim to somehow take the pulse on the state of the art of LGBTQI+ in the media: television, cinema, advertising, YouTube, among others; examine its progress in these past few years and barriers to still overcome; discuss the impact of LGBTQI+ representation in the media, specifically in LGBTQI+ youths belonging to intersectional groups; and how social media contribute for the creation of a more inclusive media landscape, by allowing the development of communities and the strengthening of LGBTQI+ voices.


Guests: Ana Correia aka Peperan, Daniel Pinheiro and Joana Matias.
Moderation: Pedro Pina (YouTube Leader for EMEA)

/ More Informations

  • Venue 2 (Cinema São Jorge)
  • 6.30pm
  • Free entry
  • Portuguese spoken

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