September 27
Yvonne Rainer: film and dance

Following the screening of Charles Atlas’ documentary, and in a partnership with BoCa - Biennial of Contemporary Arts, we present a debate on the work of Yvonne Rainer, where we will discuss the dichotomy of how Rainer presents the body on stage and her more psychological approach on film, so as the context of the avant-garde in which she developed her work, and her impact on Portuguese choreographic creation.


For the debate we invited author, artist, performer, and activist Gisela Casimiro; choreographer, curator, and researcher João dos Santos Martins; and Jorge Jácome, filmmaker. The debate is moderated by Cláudia Galhós, journalist and author specialized in performing arts, and Joana Ascenção, programmer for the Cinemateca Portuguesa.

/ More Informations

  • Luís de Pina Venue (Cinemateca Portuguesa)
  • 7.15pm
  • Free entry
  • Portuguese spoken

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