ALTAR. Cruzando Fronteras, Building Bridges
Daniele Basilio, Paola Zaccaria
Documentary : 53' / Art & Artists, Community, Gender Studies, Feminism, Migrations

A visual portrait of Gloria Anzaldúa (1942-2004), the Chicana queer poet and thinker who sang life in Mexican-American borderlands and created powerful images on cultural mestizaje, border crossing and on Nepantla state. The loving ofrenda to her legacy takes shape in the texture of chicana women’s artivism and in the cultural and political centers committed to creating bridges across gender and cultural differences.


October 10 | 18h00 | Reitoria da Universidade do Porto - Casa Comum
Queer Focus

/ Details

Year: 2009

Country: Italy

Language: english

Subtitles: english

With: Irene Reti, Daniel Garcia Ordaz, Amalia Mesa-Bains, Betita Martinez, Juana Alicia, Antonia Castañeda

/ Direction

Daniele Basilio, Paola Zaccaria


* A feminist writer and activist, Paola Zaccaria is Professor of Anglo-American Literary and Visual Cultures at the University of Bari. She has been involved in the Center for Documentation and Feminine Culture in Bari for 25 years and is co-founder and president of the Italian Society of Literate Women (2000-2003). She writes about the notions of frontier, diaspora and decolonialism, always from a gender perspective.


** Graduated at the Centro Sperimentale di Cinematografia in Rome in 2003, Daniele Basilio started his career as director, screenwriter, and assistant director. He is the creator of some of the most innovative audiovisual public support funds, as well as business events, talent scouting programs and screenwriting trainings.


* **2009 - ALTAR. Cruzando Fronteras, Building Bridges (Documentary)
** 2003 - Le mani in faccia (Short Film)


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