Ana Mendieta: Fuego de Tierra
Kate Horsfield, Nereyda Garcia-Ferraz
Documentary : 49' / Art & Artists, Feminism, Performance

Performance artist and sculptor Ana Mendieta (1948-1985) used the raw materials of nature: water, mud, fire, rock, and grass. Drawing upon the raw spiritual power of Afro-Cuban religion, Mendieta used her art as a ritualistic and symbolic activity to celebrate the forces of life and the continuum of change. A silhouette of her own body inserted in the land emphasizes the relations between the two bodies: female and Earth.


October 11 | 18h00 | Reitoria da Universidade do Porto - Casa Comum
Queer Focus

/ Details

Year: 1987

Country: USA

Language: english and spanish

Subtitles: english

With: Ana Mendieta, Raquel Costa, Raquel Mendieta Harrington, Mario Garcia Joya, Nancy Morejon, Gerardo Mosquera

/ Direction

Kate Horsfield, Nereyda Garcia-Ferraz

USA, Cuba

* Kate Horsfield received her MFA from the School of the Art Institute of Chicago in 1976 and in the same year co-founded Video Data Bank with Lyn Blumenthal. From 1980 to 1999, she taught courses at the School of the Art Institute of Chicago, the University of Illinois, Chicago, and the University of Austin, Texas. After her retirement from Video Data Bank in 2006, Horsfield has split her time between New York and Austin.


** Nereyda García-Ferraz was born in Havana in 1954 and migrated to the United States in 1970. She grew up in Chicago and received her BFA from the Art Institute of Chicago in 1981. Garcia-Ferraz founded the photography program at MCLA, the San Jose Center for Latino Arts. She currently lives in Miami and has been teaching and exhibiting since 1977.


* ** 1987 - Ana Mendieta: Fuego de Tierra (Documentary)
* 1979 - Sarah Canright: an Interview (Short Documentary)


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