Theo Montoya
Documentary : 75' / Violence, Queer, Drugs, HIV-AIDS, Community

A funeral car cruises the streets of Medellín, while a young director tells the story of his past in this violent and conservative city. He remembers the preproduction of his first film, a b-movie with ghosts. The young queer scene of Medellín is casted for the film, but the main protagonist dies of a heroin overdose at the age of 21, just like many friends of the director.


September 24 | 21h30 | Cinema São Jorge - Sala 3 Buy Tickets
Queer Art Competition

/ Details

Year: 2022

Country: Colombia, Romania, France, Germany

Language: spanish

Subtitles: english

With: Alejandro Hincapié, Camilo Machado, Alejandro Mendigaña, Julián David Moncada, Camilo Najar, Juan Esteban Pérez, Sharllot Zodoma, Víctor Gaviria, Theo Montoya

/ Direction

Theo Montoya


Theo Montoya is a Colombian director, cinematographer and producer. He is the founder and director of the production company Desvio Visual, which is dedicated to the creation of auteur films and experimental films.


2022 - Anhell69 (Documentary)

2020 - Son of Sodom (Short Film)

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