As I Was Looking Above, I Could See Myself Underneath
Ilir Hasanaj
Documentary : 62' / Activism, Community, Identity, Politics

Seven LGBTQI+ persons who come from different backgrounds and generations tell stories of discovering their queerness and living as queer in an environment of unacceptance and exclusion. The documentary explores their hopes and dreams, the sense of loss and defeat and the meaning of home. It is the first in Kosovo to show the protagonists without blurring their faces or changing their real names.


October 11 | 18h00 | Casa Comum (Reitoria da Universidade do Porto)
QP - Queer Focus

/ Details

Year: 2022

Country: Kosovo

Language: albanian and english

Subtitles: english

With: Linda, Blendi, Maki, Semi, Edoni, Qerkica, Mustafa

/ Direction

Ilir Hasanaj

Kosovo, Switzerland

Ilir Hasanaj is a film director from Kosovo that grew up in Switzerland. Before graduating in Film at the Zurich University of the Arts, he worked several years as a computer scientist. In 2018, he co-founded the alternative cinema Kino ARMATA in Prishtina. He also leads the NeoSchool Documentary School and is a programmer at Kino Kosova Film Festival.


2024 – Worker’s Wings (Short Documentary)
2022 – As I Was Looking Above, I Could See Myself Underneath (Documentary)
2017 – me dasht‘ me dasht’ me dasht‘ (Documentary)
2015 – LEONARDO (Short Film)
2012 – Senjor! (Short Film)


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