Burn My Skin
Leonardo Amorim
Fiction : 19' / Gay, Masculinity, Straight

These men are dripping with sweat, but it doesn't matter.


September 26 | 18h30 | Cinema São Jorge - Sala 3 Buy Tickets
Short Film Competition

/ Details

Year: 2023

Country: Brazil

Language: portuguese

Subtitles: english

With: Hae Lucas Cavalcante, Liev Volk, Luciano Pedro Jr.

/ Direction

Leonardo Amorim


Leonardo Amorim was born in Maceió (Brazil). He is a director, screenwriter, editor, cultural producer, and curator. He is currently artistic director of the queer film festival Mostra Que Desejo and is developing his first feature film.


2023 - Queima Minha Pele (Short Film)
2019 - Vamos Ficar Sozinhas (Short Film)
2017 - A Noite Estava Fria (Short Film)
2016 - Porno (Short Film)


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