Closing Night
The film brings together documentary, fiction, and musical elements to recount the story of Agnes Geneva, an immigrant trans woman from Indonesia, living in the Netherlands. Following her daily routine, such as playing badminton with her queer friends, or working at a restaurant she herself opened in her own house, alongside her best friend Rini, Agnes is eventually confronted with the arrival of her younger brother Indra, who had only experienced the masculine socialization with Agnes, before her transition.
From a transfeminist point of view, Agnes’ musical tale weaves layers and poeticizes them in daily life, through gender, belonging, love, self-esteem, and spirituality issues. And in doing so, it strengthens the complexities inherent to the existences of trans people inside the cis-gender order of this ruined world; while at the same time, highlighting the pain in searching new ways to build and inhabit, so as the inventiveness in other imaginable places where life is possible. H.P.
indonesian, english, dutch and portuguese
english and portuguese
Agnes Geneva, Mak Rini, Gianluca Koeswanto, Fernando Belfiore