Tomás Paula Marques
Docufiction : 16' / Gender Studies, Sexuality, Religion

In this day and age, Rebeca attempts to create a collection of non-phallic ceramic dildos. During the Inquisition, Josefa finds a dildo that is used in their forbidden love relationship with Maria. Although in different timelines, the paths of Rebeca and Josefa end up crossing each other.


October 12 | 15h00 | Batalha Centro de Cinema - Sala 2 Buy Tickets
Casa Comum Award

/ Details

Year: 2023

Country: Portugal

Language: português

Subtitles: english

With: Rebeca Letras, Inês Pinheiro Torres, Maria João Calisto, João Abreu

/ Direction

Tomás Paula Marques

Tomás Paula Marques (1994) is a visual artist from Porto, Portugal. Having completed a master's degree in Filmmaking at Querejeta Zine Eskola (San Sebastián), she previously did a postgraduate degree in Sociology at ISCTE (Lisbon) and was originally trained in Directing and Cinematography at ESTC (Lisbon). The characters in her films tend to face difficulties when questioning or breaking expectations on gender and sexuality.


2023 - Dildotectónica (Short Docufiction)
2022 - When We Dead Awaken (Experimental Short)
2021 - Cabra Cega (Short Film)
2019 - Em Caso de Fogo (Short Film)
2016 - Sem Armas (Short Film)


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