Dolls House
George Pedrosa
Fiction : 16' / Bodies, Queer, Performance

We're immaterial beings. We'll always be inside of each other's heart. Day by day we mutate and get way stronger. Body, soul, and blood smelling like pink.


September 27 | 18h30 | Cinema São Jorge - Sala 3 Buy Tickets
Short Film Competition

/ Details

Year: 2023

Country: Brazil

Language: portuguese

Subtitles: english

With: Luty Barteix, João Vinícius, Chico Gonçalves

/ Direction

George Pedrosa


Since his childhood, George Pedrosa dreamed in working with cinema, but he didn't find many opportunities in Maranhão (Brazil), until 2016 when Escola de Cinema do Maranhão was founded. There, he had the opportunity to attend a course dedicated exclusively to audiovisual, where he met professionals from different parts of Brazil, acknowledged both nationally and internationally.


2022 - Casa de Bonecas (Short Film)
2021 - Macho Carne (Short Film)


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