Hannes Hirsch
Fiction : 79' / Drugs, Youth, Community, Gay, Sexuality

Moritz, 22, follows his boyfriend Jonas to Berlin only to be abandoned by him within a few weeks. For some time, he finds security with the older Noah, but then moves on. He changes his looks and dives into the city’s vibrating techno world. He learns to express his repressed desires, but he also starts to lose himself in drugs and emotional alienation.


September 28 | 22h00 | Cinema São Jorge - Sala Manoel de Oliveira Buy Tickets

/ Details

Year: 2023

Country: Germany

Language: english and german

Subtitles: portuguese and english

/ Direction

Hannes Hirsch


After his Film Directing studies at the self-organized school Filmarche, Hannes Hirsch studied at Universität der Künste, also in Berlin. With Diemo Kemmesies he founded the production company Milieufilm in 2009.


2023 – Drifter (Feature Film)
2018 – Routes (Short Film)
2011 – Beach Boy (Short Film)
2008 – Rosa Jungs (Short Film)

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