Empty Suitcases
Bette Gordon
Fiction : 52' / Art & Artists, Politics, Women, Feminism, Violence

Fragments of a woman's life - her economic, sexual, and artistic struggles-, by deconstructing text, speech, music, and picture. Central to the film is women's struggle to place and define themselves in language and politics.



October 13 | 17h15 | Batalha Centro de Cinema - Sala 2 Buy Tickets

/ Details

Year: 1980

Country: USA

Language: english

Subtitles: portuguese

With: Rosemary Hochschild, Ron Vawter, Vivienne Dick, Nan Goldin, Janica Yoder, Jamie McBrady

/ Direction

Bette Gordon


A pioneer in the American independent film world, Bette Gordon is best known for her bold explorations of themes related to sexuality. Her films won numerous awards and acclaim worldwide, including showings at Cannes, Berlinale, MoMA, and The Whitney Biennial. She is now a part of the Film Department of Columbia University School of the Arts.




2016 - The Drowning (Feature Film)
2009 - Handsome Harry (Feature Film)
1998 - Luminous Motion (Feature Film)
1983 - Variety (Feature Film)
1980 - Empty Suitcases (Feature Film)
1981 - Anybody’s Woman (Short Documentary)
1977 - An Algorithm (Experimental Short)
1975 - The United States of America (Short Film)
1974 - Michigan Avenue (Short Film)
1974 - I-94 (Short Film)


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