First Date
Clara Planelles
Fiction : 12' / Lesbian, Women

Tina, a recently widowed farmer, doesn't want her daughter to move back to the city and leave her alone. When Seamus arrives on the farm talking about a date, she decides to intervene.


September 30 | 18h30 | Cinema São Jorge - Sala 3 Buy Tickets
GAZE Shorts Program

/ Details

Year: 2022

Country: Ireland

Language: english

Subtitles: english

With: Aisling O'Sullivan, Carrie Crowley, Johanna O'Brien, Daithí O'Donnell

/ Direction

Clara Planelles


Clara Planelles is a filmmaker and a photographer from Uruguay. She has participated as a jury member in several film festivals including BAFICI (Argentina), Cine Latino (France) and Rai Festival-Prix (Italia). She is living in Limerick, Ireland, since 2020, where she is developing a photography project called “Women from the inside”.


2022 - First Date (Short Film)

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