Heart Fruit
Kim Allamand
Fiction : 20' / Relationship, Romance, Gender

City people set off into a warm late summer night. Glances that meet in a library, men discussing where to buy love, couples that kiss intimately or who explain themselves in therapy.


September 28 | 15h30 | Cinema São Jorge - Sala 3 Buy Tickets
“In My Shorts” Competition

/ Details

Year: 2022

Country: Switzerland

Language: swiss german

Subtitles: english

With: Sofia Borsani, Deborah Macauley, Severin Hallauer, Maximilian Kraus, Luca Marano, Jumana Issa

/ Direction

Kim Allamand


Kim Allamand was born in Lucerne, Switzerland. He's holding a master’s degree in film Directing from the Zurich University of Arts. His short films have been screened and won awards at festivals including San Sebastián, Locarno and Karlovy Vary.


2022 - Heart Fruit (Short Film)
2019 - Terminal (Short Film)


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