In Curve Notes_Stream
Flavia Regaldo
Animation : 7' / Bodies, Sexuality, Queer

When does shape fall apart? Based on the premise of rethinking the body as a critical space, this porn animation of sliding watercolors explores the tensions of the body and desire in its antimatter, in the blind cuts of its lines and curves, in between the lines of the unsaid.



October 11 | 15h00 | Batalha Centro de Cinema - Sala 2 Buy Tickets
Casa Comum Award

/ Details

Year: 2022

Country: Portugal

Language: no dialogue

/ Direction

Flavia Regaldo


Flavia Regaldo is a visual artist from Belo Horizonte, Brazil. Graduated in Communication and Media from Goldsmiths College, University of London, she also studied in the DAMS course at the Università di Bologna and Plastic Arts at Escola Guignard (Minas Gerais). Her works seeks to give form to invisible forces, tensions common to matter, thinking about rhythm and chaos through a look that crosses the micro and the macro and rethinks natural/social dichotomies. She currently lives in Lisbon.


2022 - Apontamentos de Curva_Correnteza (Short Animation)

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