Intransitive: a documentary about trans stories
Gabz 404, Gustavo Deon, Lau Graef, Luka Machado
Documentary : 72' / Trans, Community, Human Rights, Disability, Intersex

2021. Pandemic. Brazil (the country that most murders trans people and transvestites for the 13th consecutive year). Amid a dangerous and critical political moment, a trans-centered troupe travels through Rio Grande do Sul and talks to eight transgender individuals. The interviews raise issues related to transition, and other identitary and intersectional crossings, such as class, race, age, sexuality, and body. On the backstage we witness the conversations among the crew, discussing these same themes, so as their interpersonal relations on the road.


September 27 | 18h00 | Cinema São Jorge - Sala 2 Buy Tickets

/ Details

Year: 2022

Country: Brazil

Language: portuguese

Subtitles: english

With: Drone, Esteve Maris, Henrique Reis De Oliveira, Pietra Simon, Cleo Araujo, Pati Rigon, Marcela Meirelles, Benício Da Silva

/ Direction

Gabz 404, Gustavo Deon, Lau Graef, Luka Machado


The Intransitivo collective is composed by Gabz 404, Gustavo Deon, Lau Graef, and Luka Machado, four trans individuals who develop their work in the artistic and cultural areas, so as on memory and cultural heritage. They seek spaces where their voices and presence are central for their narratives, both in front and behind the cameras.


2022 - Intransitivo: um Documentário sobre Narrativas Trans (Documentary)

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