Kokomo City
D. Smith
Documentary : 73' / Sex Work, Trans, Community, Relationship

Encounters and interviews with four Black trans sex workers in New York and Georgia. The protagonists discuss their lives with relish but without any sugar-coating, telling us about their dreams and memories, battles fought and crises overcome, lovers, friends and families, and how these relationships are marked by taboos and fetishisation, but also by their own desires.


September 23 | 19h00 | Cinema São Jorge - Sala Manoel de Oliveira Buy Tickets
Documentary Competition

/ Details

Year: 2023

Country: USA

Language: english

Subtitles: portuguese

With: Daniella Carter, Koko Da Doll, Liyah Mitchell, Dominique Silver

/ Direction

D. Smith


D. Smith made her name in the music industry as a producer, singer and songwriter. She received two Grammy nominations and worked with musicians and producers including Lil Wayne, Katy Perry and Timbaland. In 2014, she began her transition and the offers of work dried up. She then turned her attention to filmmaking and began the three-year process of creating her debut documentary.


2023 - Kokomo City (Documentary)

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