La Amiga de Mi Amiga
Zaida Carmona
Fiction : 85' / Comedy, Lesbian, Relationship

A game that begins when Zaida, after a breakup, returns to the city. A moral tale that takes place in the bathrooms, beds, and streets of Barcelona. A five-way lesbian sitcom, with pop and autofiction as a backdrop.


October 13 | 19h15 | Batalha Centro de Cinema - Sala 1 Buy Tickets
Porto Official Competition

/ Details

Year: 2022

Country: Spain

Language: spanish and catalan

Subtitles: english

With: Zaida Carmona, Rocío Saiz, Alba Cros, Aroa Elbira, Thaïs Quadreny

/ Direction

Zaida Carmona


With a degree in Audiovisual Communication from Universitat Pompeu Fabra, Barcelona, and a Master's degree in Screenplay from Universidad Carlos III, Madrid, Zaida Carmona has worked as an editor for television and on-line medias. She has also directed several short films and video clips, and recently founded the content production company JaJaJa Industrias.


Photo: Lucia Vittoria


2022 - La Amiga de Mi Amiga (Feature Film)
2021 - Son Ilusiones (Short Film)
2015 - Todas Solas (Short Film)
2013 - Las Chicas Terribles (Short Film)


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