Tove Pils
Documentary : 95' / Sex Work, Trans, BDSM, Identity

Hanna leaves her family behind to go to the city of her dreams, San Francisco. At a party, she meets the professional dominatrix Chloe and the escort Cyd and they embark on a self-fulfilling journey together.


September 30 | 15h30 | Cinema São Jorge - Sala 3 Buy Tickets
September 27 | 21h30 | Cinema São Jorge - Sala 3 Buy Tickets
Queer Art Competition

/ Details

Year: 2023

Country: Sweden

Language: swedish and english

Subtitles: english

With: Hanna, Cyd, Chloe, Nina Jeppsson (voice over)

/ Direction

Tove Pils


In their work, Pils seeks to widen the notion of sexuality and gender. Filmmaking is a way for Pils to create a structure for exploring what they and their community long for and strive to create: spaces to explore sexuality, open relationships, queer rituals and gender beyond the binary.


Photo: Sara Lindquist


2023 - Labor (Documentary)
2021 - Sugar Oil Pine Water (Short Documentary)
2014 - Push Me (Short Film)
2008 - To Not Explode (Short Film)


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