Lady Like
Luke Willis
Documentary : 87' / Drag, Art & Artists, Performance

The documentary recounts the non-fictional journey of British artist Rex Wheeler, mostly known for his stage name Lady Camden, disclosing part of his challenging childhood and how ballet was to a point a means of self-expression, and how drag art became a new passion, turning him into an international drag celebrity after achieving the second place in the 14th season of North American reality show RuPaul’s Drag Race. Narrated by one of the stars of this TV show, Nina West, Lady Like also explores the consequences of bullying in childhood, and how Wheeler dealt with mourning after the suicide of a loved one. Through his drag persona Lady Camden, the artist makes use of fantasy and joy to create hope and healing for himself and others, given that in his journey, he gradually learns to embrace himself towards rescuing his inner child. H.P. 


October 11 | 19h15 | Batalha - Sala 1 Buy Tickets
QP - Panorama

/ Details

Year: 2024

Country: USA, UK

Language: english

Subtitles: portuguese

With: Lady Camden (aka Rex Wheeler), Shiloh Brody-Clarke, Jeanne Smyth, Mara Guevara, Maya Chirstou, Nina West (voice over)

/ Direction

Luke Willis


Luke Willis is a San Francisco based filmmaker whose short films have been screened at more than forty film festivals around the world. He came to filmmaking after more than twenty years in the theater, ten of which were spent as a classical ballet dancer. In 2014 he retired from ballet to pursue his other great love of writing and directing.


© BFI Millie Turner


2024 - Lady Like (Documentary)
2022 - I Don't Need a Reason (Short Documentary)
2022 - The Camderina Diner (Short Film)
2021 - Pool Boy (Short Film)
2019 - The Summer House (Short Film)
2015 - Streets of Paris (Short Film)

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