Listening for Something… Adrienne Rich and Dionne Brand in Conversation
Dionne Brand
Documentary : 56' / Gender Studies, Women, Feminism

Adrienne Rich: distinguished American feminist poet, and author of numerous books of prose, poetry, essays and speeches. Dionne Brand: Trinidadian-Canadian feminist poet, writer and filmmaker. For this film, incisive and inquisitive, the two women met intimately around a kitchen table, in corridors, or casually outdoors in the United States, Tobago and Canada, to discuss the world as they each see it - including political issues, feminism, racism or lesbianism.


© 1996 National Film Board of Canada


October 09 | 18h | Batalha - Cafetaria & Bar
QP - Female Authors in Conversation

/ Details

Year: 1996

Country: Canada

Language: english

Subtitles: portuguese

With: Adrienne Rich, Dionne Brand

/ Direction

Dionne Brand

Trinidad and Tobago, Canada

Dionne Brand is a poet, novelist, non-fiction writer, filmmaker, educator, and activist born in Trinidad, living in Toronto. She has several writing awards such as the Griffin Poetry Prize. She was Toronto’s third Poet Laureate from 2009-2012. Brand is also a Professor in the School of English and Theatre Studies at the University of Guelph.


© Jason Chow


1996 – Listening for Something… Adrienne Rich and Dionne Brand in Conversation (Documentary)

1993 – Long Time Comin’ (Documentary)

1991 – Sisters in the Struggle (Documentary)

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