Loving in Between
Jyoti Mistry
Documentary, Experimental : 18' / Gender, Politics, Avantgarde

A celebration of queer sexuality and loving. An optimistic archival universe that traces arcs from volcanic eruptions to beach scenes, from sexual encounters in public toilets to forbidden kisses by nuns.


September 25 | 18h30 | Cinema São Jorge - Sala 3 Buy Tickets
Short Film Competition

/ Details

Year: 2023

Country: Austria, South Africa

Language: english

Subtitles: no subtitles

With: Napo Masheane, Kgafela oa Magogodi (voice overs)

/ Direction

Jyoti Mistry

South Africa

Born in Durban, South Africa in 1970, Jyoti Mistry works with film as an interplay between cinematic traditions and installation art. Her films have screened at festivals including Toronto and Rotterdam. She is currently professor for Film at the University of Gothenburg.


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