Lucid City
Adrian Stölzle
Documentary : 91' / Dance, Gay, Art & Artists, Bodies

After Mozambique gained its Independence from Portugal, Benvindo Fonseca and his family moved to Lisbon. Only at the age of 16 he started dancing and in short time made it to the emblematic first dancer category of the Gulbenkian Ballet - the first and only black dancer at the time. At the height of his career, he suffered a severe injury and the doctors predicted that he would never be able to dance again. Reviving the memories of a glamorous yet painful past in the spotlight, the constantly latent reminiscences of colonial history are flaring up in the void of the unspeakable.


September 24 | 18h00 | Cinema São Jorge - Sala 2 Buy Tickets

/ Details

Year: 2023

Country: Germany, Portugal

Language: portuguese

Subtitles: english

With: Benvindo Fonseca, Olga Roriz, Vasco Wellenkamp, Benvindo dos Santos Fonseca, Otelo Lapa

/ Direction

Adrian Stölzle


Adrian Stölzle, born in 1991, is a German filmmaker currently based in the south of Germany. During his studies in Psychology and Arts he lived in Würzburg, Paris, Rio de Janeiro, Lisbon, and Recife. Since October 2017 he is studying Film at the University of Fine Arts in Hamburg.


2023 - Cidade Lúcida (Documentary)

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