Lydia Lunch: the War Is Never Over
Beth B
Documentary : 75' / Art & Artists, Performance, Feminism, Women

The first career-spanning documentary retrospective of Lydia Lunch’s confrontational, acerbic and always electric artistry. As New York City’s preeminent ‘no wave’ icon from the late 70’s, Lunch has forged a lifetime of music and spoken word performance devoted to the utter right of any woman to seek pleasure, and to say “fuck you!” as loud as any man.


October 13 | 19h30 | Batalha Centro de Cinema - Sala 2 Buy Tickets

/ Details

Year: 2019

Country: USA

Language: english

Subtitles: portuguese

With: Lydia Lunch, Nicolas Jaar, Jim Sclavunos, Carla Bozulich, Thurston Moore

/ Direction

Beth B


Beth B is a writer, director, producer of feature-length documentary and narrative films as well as experimental shorts. B’s works challenge society’s conventions and focus on recasting and redefining concepts relating to the mind, the body, and women’s issues. Her films have been shown at museums worldwide as well as film festivals including Berlinale, Locarno, Toronto, and Sundance.


Photo: Grace Roselli




2019 - Lydia Lunch: the War Is Never Over (Documentary)
2013 - Exposed (Documentary)
1993 - Two Small Bodies (Feature Film)
1991 - Thanatopsis (Short Film)
1989 - Belladonna (Experimental Short)
1987 - Salvation! (Feature Film)
1982 - Vortex (Feature Film)
1980 - The Offenders (Feature Film)
1979 - Black Box (Short Film)
1978 - G-Man (Short Film)


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