Murder and Murder
Yvonne Rainer
Fiction : 113' / Lesbian, Elder, Women, Sexuality, Bodies, Relationship

A middle-aged love story between Mildred, a life-long lesbian, and Doris, who is in love with a woman for the first time. An unflinching meditation on female aging, lesbian sexuality and breast cancer in a culture that glorifies youth and heterosexual romance.


September 30 | 21h30 | Cinemateca Portuguesa - Sala M. Félix Ribeiro Buy Tickets

/ Details

Year: 1996

Country: USA

Language: english

Subtitles: portuguese

With: Joanna Merlin, Kathleen Chalfant, Catherine Kellner, Isa Thomas

/ Direction

Yvonne Rainer


Yvonne Rainer (San Francisco, 1934) is an American choreographer, dancer, and filmmaker. A pioneering figure of the American avant-garde movement with a career spanning over five decades across dance and film, Rainer’s artistic work has emphasized minimalism and experimentalism and has challenged conventional form to explore subversive political and social themes. She is widely regarded as one of the most influential performance artists of the twentieth century.





1996 - Murder and Murder (Feature Film)
1990 - Privilege (Experimental Feature)
1985 - The Man Who Envied Women (Feature Film)
1980 - Journeys from Berlin/1971 (Feature Film)
1976 - Kristina Talking Pictures (Feature Film)
1974 - Film about a Woman Who… (Experimental Feature)
1972 - Lives of Performers (Experimental Feature)
1966 - Trio Film (Experimental Short)
1967 - Volleyball (Foot Film) (Experimental Short)
1966 - Hand Film (Experimental Short)


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