My Whole Heart Is with You
Essa Grayeb
 : 9' / Archive, Conflict, Politics, Essay

Manipulated found footage from one of the most iconic and poignant Arab speeches of the 20th century: the resignation speech of Egyptian President Gamal Abdel Nasser, delivered amidst the 1967 defeat.


October 10 | 18h | Casa Comum (Reitoria da Universidade do Porto)
QP - Queer Focus

/ Details

Year: 2022

Country: Palestine

Language: no dialogues

Subtitles: no subtitles

With: Gamal Abdel Nasser

/ Direction

Essa Grayeb


Essa Grayeb is a Palestinian visual artist based in Jerusalem. His practice traverses a range of media, primarily photography, moving image and installation. Often related to Arab nationalism and Pan-Arabism, his work originates from exploring elements connected to historical moments.


2022 - My Whole Heart Is with You (Experimental Short) 

2019 - The Return of Osiris (Experimental Short)

2018 - Healing (Experimental Short)

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