Oliver Sacks: His Own Life
Ric Burns
Documentary : 114' / Gay, Community, Art & Artists, Mental Health

A month after receiving a fatal diagnosis in January 2015, Oliver Sacks sat down for a series of filmed interviews in his apartment in New York City. For eighty hours, surrounded by family, friends, and notebooks from six decades of thinking and writing about the brain, he talked about his life and work, his abiding sense of wonder at the natural world, and the place of human beings within it. Drawing on these deeply personal reflections, as well as nearly two dozen interviews with close friends, family members, colleagues and patients, and archival material from every point in his life, this film is the story of a beloved doctor and writer who redefined our understanding of the brain and mind.


September 26 | 17h30 | Cinema São Jorge - Sala 2 Buy Tickets

/ Details

Year: 2019

Country: USA

Language: english

Subtitles: portuguese

With: Oliver Sacks, Roberto Calasso, Antonio Damasio, Kate Edgar, Shane Fistell, Atul Gawande, Temple Grandin, Theodore Gray, Lowell Handler, Mark Homonoff, Anna Horovitz, Bill Hayes, Eric Kandel, Christof Koch, Robert Krulwich, Jonathan Miller, Rachel Miller, Isabelle Rapin, Katherine Rodman, Jonathan Sacks, Anil Seth, Steve Silberman, Robert Silvers, Concetta Tomaino, Paul Theroux, Lawrence Weschler, Max Whitby

/ Direction

Ric Burns


Ric Burns (Baltimore, 1955) studied English Literature at Columbia University in New York and in Cambridge. In 1989 he and his brother Ken Burns founded the production company Steeplechase Films in Manhattan, since which time they have collaborated on many award-winning documentaries about the history and cultural legacy of the USA.


2019 - Oliver Sacks: His Own Life (Documentary)
2017 - The People of the Standing Stone: the Oneida Nation, the War for Independence, and the Making of America (Short Documentary)

2017 - The Chinese Exclusion Act (Documentary)

2015 - Debt of Honor: Disabled Veterans in American History (Documentary)

2014 - Enquiring Minds: The Untold Story of the Man Behind the National Enquirer (Documentary)

2011 - Nantucket (Documentary)

2006 - Andy Warhol: A Documentary Film (Documentary)

2006 - Eugene O'Neill (Documentary)

2002 - Ansel Adams (Documentary)

1992 - The Donner Party (Documentary)

1991 - Coney Island (Documentary)

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