Out of Uganda
Rolando Colla, Josef Burri
Documentary : 65' / Homophobia, Politics, Transphobia, Identity, Migrations

Philip, Lynn, Hussein and Shammy, young LGBT Ugandans, are fighting for survival. Staying in their country, where religious oppression and discrimination prevail, endangers their lives. So, their last hope is to leave it all behind and experience a long and painful exile.


September 26 | 21h30 | Cinema São Jorge - Sala 3 Buy Tickets
Documentary Competition

/ Details

Year: 2022

Country: Uganda, Switzerland

Language: english, french and german

Subtitles: english

With: Philip, Lynn, Hussein, Shammy

/ Direction

Rolando Colla, Josef Burri


* Rolando Colla is an author, director, and editor. He graduated in German Studies and Romanic Languages at the University of Zurich. His films have conquered prizes at festivals like Locarno and Clermont-Ferrand.


** Josef Burri studied Theology, Philosophy and Musicology. From 1967 until 1980 he used to work as a journalist and editor for magazines and newspapers. He also wrote scripts for documentaries and was executive producer of many international television series.


* ** 2022 - Out of Uganda (Documentary)
* 2020 - W. What Remains of Life (Documentary)
* 2019 - Quello Che Non Sai di Me (Feature Film)
* 2016 - Sette Giorni (Feature Film)
* 2012 - Protestation VI (Short Film)
* 2011 - Giochi d'Estate (Feature Film)
* 2007 - L'autre moitié (Feature Film)
* 2002 - Protestation III (Short Film)
* 2001 - Oltre il Confine (Feature Film)
* 1998 - Le monde a l'envers (Feature Film)

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