Polish Prayers
Hanka Nobis
Documentary : 85' / Activism, Religion, Homophobia, Identity

Antek, 22, grows up in a deeply religious and radical right-wing family in contemporary Poland. Catholicism, nationalism, homophobia, and celibacy define his world. But when he falls in love, doubts begin to set in - first about the prohibition of premarital sex, then about his view towards the LGBTQ community and ultimately about the existence of God.


September 27 | 15h30 | Cinema São Jorge - Sala 3 Buy Tickets
September 25 | 21h30 | Cinema São Jorge - Sala 3 Buy Tickets
Documentary Competition

/ Details

Year: 2022

Country: Poland, Switzerland

Language: polish

Subtitles: english

/ Direction

Hanka Nobis


Hanka Nobis was born in Bialystok. After her MISH studies at the University of Warsaw, in 2009 she began working in theatre, acting, assisting directors, and later directing and producing video installations, as well as making costumes.


2022 - Polish Prayers (Documentary)

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