Rome '78
James Nares
Fiction : 82' / Camp, Avantgarde, Queer, Politics

In a mock Rome shot in neo-classic buildings, characters dressed in makeshift costumes, live a Roman life, with political intrigue, flirting and dionysiac dances.


October 12 | 17h15 | Batalha Centro de Cinema - Sala 2 Buy Tickets

/ Details

Year: 1978

Country: USA

Language: english

Subtitles: no subtitles

/ Direction

James Nares


Over the course of a five-decade career, James Nares has investigated, challenged, and expanded the boundaries of her multi-media practice that encompasses film, music, painting, photography and performance. Her work is included in several prominent public collections in New York, including The Metropolitan Museum of Art, MoMA, and the Whitney Museum of American Art.





2018 - Suicide? No, Murder (Short Film)
2011 - Street (Documentary)
1982 - Waiting for the Wind (Short Film)
1980 - No Japs at My Funeral (Documentary)
1978 - Rome ‘78 (Feature Film)
1977 - TV Faces (Experimental Short)
1976 - Ramp (Short Documentary)
1975 - Hammered (Short Documentary)


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