Rule 34
Julia Murat
Fiction : 100' /

Simone is a young black woman who spent years performing sex acts online to pay for law school. She has just passed a public defender exam and her ambition is to defend women in cases of abuse. In order to reawaken Simone's sexual desire, a friend sends her a link to a video where a black woman practices sadomasochism.


September 27 | 19h00 | Cinema São Jorge - Sala Manoel de Oliveira Buy Tickets
September 24 | 22h00 | Cinema São Jorge - Sala Manoel de Oliveira Buy Tickets
Feature Film Competition

/ Details

Year: 2022

Country: Brazil, France

Language: portuguese

Subtitles: english

With: Sol Miranda, Lucas Andrade, Lorena Comparato, Isabela Mariotto, Georgette Fadel, Márcio Vito

/ Direction

Julia Murat


Julia Murat graduated from the Rio de Janeiro Federal University in Graphic Design and at the Darcy Ribeiro Film School as a screenwriter. Her feature films have been screened and awarded in Venice, San Sebastián, Cinéma du Réel, Locarno, Toronto, and Rotterdam. She has also made experimental videos, commercials and installations.


2022 - Regra 34 (Feature Film)
2017 - Pendular (Feature Film)
2017 - Operações de Garantia da Lei e da Ordem (Documentary)
2011 - Histórias que Só Existem Quando Lembradas (Feature Film)
2009 - Pendular (Short Film)
2008 - Dia dos Pais (Documentary)
2004 - Ausência (Short Film)

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