Kevin Le Dortz
Fiction : 16' / Gay, Homophobia, Cruising

Gabriel, young father in a relationship, leads a double life. It is through an app and the pseudonym «Scred TBM» that he is brought to live a part of his sexuality in secrecy. He scrupulously organizes his meetings in order to never be unmasked, but everything changes the day he meets a new profile.


September 24 | 18h30 | Cinema São Jorge - Sala 3 Buy Tickets
Short Film Competition

/ Details

Year: 2023

Country: France

Language: french

Subtitles: english

With: Finnegan Oldfield, Hubert Girard, Lola Bessis, Gabriel Gozlan-Hagendorf

/ Direction

Kevin Le Dortz


In parallel to a career as a calibrator for film color grading, Kevin Le Dortz is a young French director. Family relationships, sexuality and the rural world are themes dear to him to explore in his work.


2022 - SCRED TBM (Short Film)


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