Skin to Skin Talks
Pradeep Mahadeshwar
Documentary : 12' / Colorism, Autobiographical, Gay, Migrations

In a constant quest of choosing people based on their appearance, we may completely alienate ourselves from the real people around us. In this film, Pradeep Mahadeshwar reflects about his own experience as a migrant gay man of color, and about the racial politics of exclusion.


September 30 | 18h30 | Cinema São Jorge - Sala 3 Buy Tickets
GAZE Shorts Program

/ Details

Year: 2023

Country: Ireland

Language: english

Subtitles: english

With: Pradeep Mahadeshwar

/ Direction

Pradeep Mahadeshwar

India, Ireland

Pradeep Mahadeshwar, visual artist and LGBTQI+ activist, is originally from India and is now an Irish citizen. He graduated from Buckinghamshire New University MA in Printmaking in 2011. Writing, illustrations, performance and moving images are among his mediums.


2023 - Skin to Skin Talks (Documentário Curto)
2022 - The Concept of Self (Curta-metragem)
2021 - Tír na mBeo - The Land of the Living (Documentário Curto)

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