Smalltown Boys
Gaël Lépingle
Fiction : 84' / Gay, Drag, Youth

Isolated villages, suspended afternoons, desires for adventure. Boys who like boys, and the cross-dressing that connects them like a secret formula.


October 12 | 19h15 | Batalha Centro de Cinema - Sala 1 Buy Tickets
Porto Official Competition

/ Details

Year: 2022

Country: France

Language: french

Subtitles: english

With: Léo Pochat, Yves-Batek Mendy, Edouard Prévot, Serge Renko

/ Direction

Gaël Lépingle


Gaël Lépingle started making documentaries and has a celebrated musical in his filmography. His films have been screened at renowned international film festivals such as Rotterdam and FIDMarseille.


2022 - Des garçons de province (Feature Film)
2020 - L’été nucléaire (Feature Film)
2018 - Seuls les pirates (Feature Film)
2015 - Une jolie vallée (Feature Film)
2015 - La nuit tombée (Short Film)
2010 - Julien (Documentary)
2008 - Guy Gilles et le temps désaccordé (Documentary)


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