Sought for Satan, Found the Family
Miguel Ángel Fajardo
Docu-fiction : 22' / Gay, Family, Identity, Sexual Abuse

Miguel examines, together with Fábio, a flirtatious Brazilian, the VHS of his childhood. Miguel presents his world, his past, his first self. With these reference images, Miguel structures a particular tale of his experience as a Colombian child and the first manifestations of Satan in his life.


September 27 | 18h30 | Cinema São Jorge - Sala 3 Buy Tickets
Short Film Competition

/ Details

Year: 2021

Country: Colombia

Language: spanish and portuguese

Subtitles: english

With: Fábio Leal; Miguel Ángel Fajardo

/ Direction

Miguel Ángel Fajardo

Miguel Ángel Fajardo is a scriptwriter. He completed studies at the EICTV (Cuba) and at Universitat Pompeu Fabra (Barcelona) where he is currently a PhD student in Film Studies. He has worked as a Script Doctor with Ibero-American short and feature film writers. He collaborates as a film critic in the Colombian magazine Cero en Conducta.


2021 - Buscó a Satanás, Encontró la Familia (Short Docu-fiction)

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