Ritó Natálio
Experimental : 9' / Gender Studies, Feminism, Eco-sex, Performance, Bodies

A fabulation of "Lesbian peoples: material for a dictionary" (Monique Wittig & Sande Zeig, 1976), an iconic oeuvre of lesbian feminism, in the form of a multi-voice conference where a current transfeminist glossary is addressed in dialogue with the memory of this book.


© Aline Belfort


October 09 | 17h15 | Batalha - Sala 2
QP - Casa Comum Award

/ Details

Year: 2024

Country: Portugal

Language: english

Subtitles: portuguese

With: Alina Ruiz Folini, Eríc Santos, Josefa Pereira, Lui L'Abbate, Ves Liberta

/ Direction

Ritó Natálio


Artist and researcher. Non-binary lesbian. Natálio has a degree in Choreographic Arts (Université Paris 8) and a master's degree in Clinical Psychology (PUC-São Paulo). Currently finishing a PhD in Artistic Studies and Anthropology that focuses on the Anthropocene and perceptions of humanity-nature. Since 2020, Natálio has coordinated Terra Batida, a network of people, practices and knowledge in dispute with forms of ecological violence and policies of abandonment.


2024 - Spillovers (Experimental Short)

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