The Accident
Bruno Carboni
Fiction : 95' / Family, Lesbian, Relationship

Joana, a cyclist, is involved in an odd accident, where she is carried on the hood of a car for a block. She leaves unharmed and decides to hide this incident from her partner Cecilia. When a video of the accident emerges, Joana's omission is exposed. She starts little by little to get involved in the life of the family who ran her over.


September 23 | 16h00 | Cinema São Jorge - Sala Manoel de Oliveira Buy Tickets
Feature Film Competition

/ Details

Year: 2022

Country: Brazil

Language: portuguese

Subtitles: english

With: Carol Martins, Gabriela Greco, Luis Felipe Xavier, Carina Sehn, Marcello Crawshaw

/ Direction

Bruno Carboni


Bruno Carboni (Porto Alegre, Brazil, 1988) graduated in Cinema at PUCRS in 2008 and completed a master's degree in 2020, where he developed a thesis on the subject of “otherness and cinema”. He works as an editor, screenwriter, and director.


2022 - O Acidente (Feature Film)
2015 - O Teto sobre Nós (Short Film)
2012 - Garry (Short Film)
2009 - Quarto de Espera (Short Film)

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