The Hearing
Lisa Gerig
Documentary : 81' / Migrations, Politics, Trans, Human Rights

Four rejected asylum seekers relive their hearing on the reasons for fleeing their home countries and question the core of the asylum process itself.


October 12 | 18h00 | Reitoria da Universidade do Porto - Casa Comum
Queer Focus

/ Details

Year: 2023

Country: Switzerland

Language: english, dari, french, german and tamil

Subtitles: english

With: Pascal Onana, Victoria Innocent, J. Sael, Living Smile Vidja, Christina Affolter, Christoph Banderet

/ Direction

Lisa Gerig


Lisa Gerig (born in 1990) studied Film in Zurich and Geneva, majoring in Editing, and Documentary Film Directing at the Academy of Media Arts, in Cologne. Today she works as a freelance filmmaker in Zurich and Cologne.


2023 - The Hearing (Documentary)
2019 - À deux (Short Documentary)
2015 - Zaungespräche (Short Documentary)


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