The Irreducible Difference of the Other
Vivienne Dick
Experimental : 27' / Activism, Politics, Avantgarde

What it means to be human in a world orientated towards war, terror, and consumption? Franco-Irish actress Olwen Fouéré tries to answer this by inhabiting the personas of Antonin Artaud and Russian poet Anna Akhmatova. Key historical moments are referenced, including opposition to the Iraq war, the Arab Spring and recent anti-austerity protests, proclaiming the desire for a world which is more balanced, and which focuses less on exploitation and destruction.



October 13 | 15h00 | Batalha Centro de Cinema - Sala 2 Buy Tickets

/ Details

Year: 2013

Country: Ireland

Language: english

Subtitles: portuguese

With: Olwen Fouéré, Ray Hogan, Eileen MacDonagh, Suzanne Walsh, Aine Phillips, Tracy Armstrong

/ Direction

Vivienne Dick


Vivienne Dick (Donegal, Ireland, 1950) studied at University College, Dublin. Between 1977 and 1982 she lived in New York, part of a group of filmmakers affiliated to the music and aesthetic of punk. Dick returned to Ireland in 1982 and then to London in 1985, where she was a member of The London Filmmakers Coop for many years. Her films have been screened at cinemas, museums and film festivals, including Tate Britain, MoMA and Berlinale. She lives in Galway, Ireland, where she teaches and continues to make films.





2020 - New York Our Time (Documentary)
2015 - Red Moon Rising (Experimental Short)
2013 - The Irreducible Difference of the Other (Experimental Short)
1994 - A Skinny Little Man Attacked Daddy (Short Documentary)
1990 - New York Conversations (Short Documentary)
1983 - Like Dawn to Dust (Experimental Short)
1980 - Liberty’s Booty (Short Film)
1979 - Beauty Becomes the Beast (Short Film)
1978 - She Had Her Gun All Ready (Short Film)
1978 - Guerillère Talks (Short Film)
1978 - Staten Island (Experimental Short)


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