Chantal Partamian
Experimental : 9' / Archive, Politics, Essay, Gender

Beirut 1980: amid the rubble of a torn building, a reel of film. An unlikely unraveling of queer bodies takes shape and form, while the war-torn city around and its spectacle of toxic masculinity glitches and disintegrates.


September 23 | 18h30 | Cinema São Jorge - Sala 3 Buy Tickets
QL - Short Film Competition

/ Details

Year: 2023

Country: Canada

Language: no dialogues

Subtitles: no subtitles

/ Direction

Chantal Partamian


Chantal Partamian is an experimental filmmaker and archivist. Her work explores themes related to migration, identity, conflict and obsolescence using mainly super 8mm and found footage.




2023 – Traces (Experimental Short)

2021 – L’arbre (Experimental Short)

2021 – Houbout (Experimental Short)

2021 – Solace (Experimental Short)

2021 – Sandjak (Short Documentary)

2017 – Tekrar (Experimental Short)

2016 – Epistemic Space – Andaradzoutyoun (Short Documentary)

2016 – Binge (Experimental Short)

2014 – In Memoriam (Experimental Short)

2007 – Chère N. (Short Documentary)

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