Joris Lachaise
Documentary : 153' / Relationship, Violence, Trans, Transphobia

In the south of Bogotá, in La Picota, a high-security prison, Jaison Murillo, commander and spokesperson of the FARC, married Laura Katalina, a transgender woman and ex-sex worker sentenced to life imprisonment. This union arouses indignation and a general outcry in the ranks of the guerrilla.


September 29 | 21h30 | Cinema São Jorge - Sala 3 Buy Tickets
Documentary Competition

/ Details

Year: 2023

Country: France, Colombia

Language: spanish

Subtitles: english

With: Laura Katalina Zamora, Jaison Murillo Pachón, Daniela “Lulú” Maldonado Salamanca, Máximo Castellanos Peña, Yurani Muñoz Ríos

/ Direction

Joris Lachaise


After an MA in Philosophy, Joris Lachaise (1980) began a master’s degree in the field of Investigative Documentary. His approach to filmmaking is based on the transition between those two study fields. He now lives between Paris and Marseille.


Photo: Anne Sophie Popon


2023 - Transfariana (Documentary)
2014 - Ce qu’il reste de la folie (Documentary)
2011 - Convention: Black Wall / White Holes (Documentary)
2009 - Like a Bird in a Fishbowl (Documentary)


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