Vicente Ruiz - In Real Time
Matías Cardone, Julio Jorquera
Documentary : 63' / Art & Artists, Politics, Performance

Using rare archive material, the film follows Vicente Ruiz, an inquisitive performer who started his career in Chile during Pinochet´s dictatorship. An exploration of what it means to have a social role in art, from a past of censorship to a present where art has become complacent and institutionalized.


October 12 | 21h30 | Batalha Centro de Cinema - Sala 1 Buy Tickets
Porto Official Competition

/ Details

Year: 2022

Country: Chile

Language: spanish

Subtitles: english

With: Vicente Ruiz, Cecilia Aguayo, Jacqueline Fresard, Consuelo Castillo, Patricia Rivadeneira, Titín Moraga

/ Direction

Matías Cardone, Julio Jorquera


* Matías Cardone is a producer and director from Chile.


** Julio Jorquera is a scriptwriter and filmmaker from Chile.


* ** 2022 - Vicente Ruiz - A Tiempo Real (Documentary)
* 2018 - Movimientos de Tierra (Short Documentary)
* 2015 - Palabras Cruzadas: los Amigos de Matta-Clark (Documentary)
** 2011 - Mi Último Round (Film Feature)
** 2000 - El Día (Short Film)
** 1999 - Gemidos y Silencios (Short Film)


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