October 24
Out-of-town program in Leiria

In partnership with Teatro Miguel Franco, in Leiria, the Queer Lisboa touring program continues with a stop in the city of Leiria. During the next first week of November, and for three days, we have organized a series of four screenings of films that integrated the Queer Lisboa and Queer Porto programs last year.


These are the dates and projections schedule:


Monday, November 6, 9.30pm
Esther Newton Made Me Gay, by Jean Carlomusto

Tickets and further info


Tuesday, November 7, 9.30pm
Mi Vacío y Yo, by Adrián Silvestre

Tickets and further info


Wednesday, November 8, 6.30pm
Nelly & Nadine, by Magnus Gertten

Tickets and further info


Wednesday, November 8, 9.30pm
Seguindo Todos os Protocolos, by Fábio Leal

Tickets and further info


We invite all of you to be present and to rewatch, or to discover, these films.



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