October 12
Queer Porto 10 Award Winners

The Closing Session of the International Queer Film Festival - Queer Porto 10 took place tonight, at 9:30 pm, at Batalha, where the awards for the Official Competition and the Casa Comum Award were announced.


The anniversary edition of Queer Porto 10 gained a renewed impulse, with its film program taking place at Batalha, Casa Comum da Reitoria da Universidade do Porto, and, for the first time, at the mythic screen of Passos Manuel, which allowed us, not only to reach broader audiences, but also to put together a more eclectic and extensive program, that also included talks, an exhibition, and parties, with a significant increase in the number of spectators in comparison to last year.

In a particularly challenging year in terms of our global political and humanitarian reality, Queer Porto’s program reflected upon and mirrored the various queer experiences in face of these same realities, by bringing to the festival program the war in Ukraine, the genocide in Gaza, the rise of right-wing politics in Europe, the migrant crisis; this was a festival about resistance, but also about the creation of safe spaces for our communities and how, from within these spaces, we can build utopias and intervene in society through alternative realities, that are fairer and more inclusive.


Queer Porto 10 Awards:



Jury: Claire Sivier, Laetitia Morais, Paulo Silva, Tiago Aires Lêdo


Best Film:

El Polvo, Nicolás Torchinsky (Argentina, 2023, 73’)


"The undoing of a house while rebuilding Aunt Juli’s life, through intimate yet surprisingly simple close-ups."


Special Mention:

Lesvia, Tzeli Hadjidimitriou (Greece, 2024, 78’)


"We consider the film an historically relevant document, almost oniric, of an island and its encounter with the lesbian community."

Audience Award:
Salão de Baile / This Is Ballroom, Juru, Vitã (Brazil, 2024, 92’) 



Jury: Conceição Nogueira, Marco Gabriel, Paulo Pereira


Best Film:

Spillovers, Ritó Natálio, Aline Belfort (Portugal, 2024, 9’)


"For it is an audacious and outstanding work in how it traverses different arts (performance, music, and literature). A challenging narrative of ecotransfeminist possibilities that explores the crossing of borders, therefore creating new forms of expression for queer experiences and realities."


Special Mention:

Carta ao Pai / Letter to Dad, Rafael Ferreira (Portugal, 2023, 10’)


"For its simplicity and authenticity, in an autobiographical record capable of creating emotional resonance."

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