September 24
Talk with Benvindo Fonseca

Trained at the Conservatório Nacional de Lisboa, at the Escola da Fundação Gulbenkian, and in New York, London, and Paris, Benvindo Fonseca was a soloist at the Companhia de Dança de Lisboa and Ballet Gulbenkian - where he was the first black principal dancer -, having worked with big references like Mats Ek, Jiri Kylian, Hans Van Manem, Orad Naharin, Itzik Galili, Vasco Wellenkamp, Olga Roriz, Paul Taylor, Christopher Bruce, and Nacho Duato. He was a Co-Founder and Artistic Director/Choreographer of Ballet Contemporâneo de Lisboa, having choreographed for numerous companies and institutions.


A seminal artist in Portugal’s Dance History, Benvindo - as he is affectionately called among peers -, will be talking with journalist Carolina Franco, in the context of the screening of Cidade Lúcida, a documentary about his life and work. 

/ More Informations

  • Venue 2 (Cinema São Jorge)
  • 7.30pm
  • Free entry
  • Portuguese spoken

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