The film “Fatucha Superstar – Ópera Rock… Bufa”, directed by João Paulo Ferreira and distributed by Queer Lisboa, is part of the Periferias Festival program, which will be running from August 11 to 19 in the towns of Marvão and Valência de Alcântara.
Periferias was born in 2013 from a desire to decentralize culture, with a special focus on rural communities, where film culture is not so present. During the event, the cinema takes over the public space in villages and historical places on the divided border between Portugal and Spain.
“Fatucha Superstar – Ópera Rock… Bufa”, a singular film directed by João Paulo Ferreira in 1976, is a musical fiction inspired by "Jesus Christ Superstar", by Andrew Lloyd Webber. After the revolution of 1974, Ferreira deconstructed what was one of the two great ideological aides of the New State: the apparitions of Our Lady of Fatima.
The film will be exhibited on August 15, at the Marvão Cultural Center, 6:15 pm (7:15 spanish time).
More information on the Periferias program, here.